Lord of the Ring Themed Wedding Flowers in Neck Point, BC

Devin + Riley

It was a bright day here in Nanaimo as our team, aka myself, Judah, the one-woman team that currently makes up SDF, made their way down to Neck Point to set up Devin and Riley’s Lord of the Rings-themed wedding.

When I first met with Devin a few months prior, I was thrilled to find out that she wanted an elvish, woodland-style wedding with bright and colourful florals to top it all off.

With marigolds and sweet peas included for special people in her life, this wedding was so fun to put together. Especially since this was the first time I had worked with marigolds in a wedding and so the pop of orange was super cool! We definitely found a new favourite in them for future weddings with orange.

Check out the photos below to see a small look into D + R’s special day.

Photos are courtesy of Chelsea Pope Photography

Judah Specht